
Innovation & Change

5 Ways Procurement Technology Can Help You Do More With Less

Investment in procurement technology

A global recession, geopolitical turmoil and a continuing talent shortage: these are the risks that procurement teams are dealing with now and will deal with for the foreseeable future. All told, it means doing more with less, in terms of both capital and personnel. To cope, an increasing number of…
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2023: The Year of Procurement Hygiene

Procurement Hygiene Priorities - Procurement Consulting Services

As we enter the new year of 2023, it’s important to reflect on the past and consider how we can improve in the future. One area that organisations should focus on is procurement hygiene. Identify opportunities and clean up your act Procurement hygiene is a crucial component of any successful…
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2023 Will Be Hard on Procurement. Here’s How to Make it Easier & Gain an Advantage

Supply chain disruptions - 5 Obstacles for Procurement

2022 was arguably the hardest year on record for procurement teams worldwide. Unfortunately, the issues responsible for this aren’t disappearing with the coming of a new year, and some are only going to get worse. The constant pressure procurement teams have been under in recent years looks to be a…
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How to Pitch to C-Suite

How to Pitch to C-Suite - Comprara

‘It’s not the right time’. ‘I’d need to run this past…’ ‘It’s food for thought.’ ‘No.’ These are familiar responses to anyone who has pitched an idea to management. If you’re finding them triggering, I apologise, but hang in there: there’s light at the end of this tunnel. Preparing a…
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4 Ways to Mobilise Your Team to Reduce Costs

4 Ways to Mobilise Your Team to Reduce Costs

We could blame the pandemic, or high inflation, or world events wreaking havoc on global supply chains. But the simple fact is, reducing costs will always be a high priority for every organisation, no matter what’s happening externally. And one of the best ways to achieve this is by mobilising…
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5 Ways Procurement Can Expand Your Business

5 Ways Procurement Can Expand Your Business

Expand or die. It may seem like a brutal ultimatum, but it holds some truth when it comes to the business world. Organisations, like the universe, cannot stay still: they expand or they contract. That’s it. If you want to keep operating, you have to keep growing. But this growth…
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Comprara acknowledges the traditional Aboriginal owners of country, recognises their continuing connection to land, water and community and pays respect to Elders past, present and future.