
Category: Supplier Relationship

What Makes a Supplier Relationship Truly Successful? – Part 2

Procurement consulting and Supplier Relationship Management

Having laid the foundation of strong supplier relationships in Part 1, exploring effective communication and trust-building, it’s time to turn our attention to the analytical tools and strategies that drive Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) to new heights. In this part, we will explore how performance metrics, risk management, negotiation tactics,…
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What Makes a Supplier Relationship Truly Successful? – Part 1

Imagine a company that consistently saves millions annually while maintaining top-notch product quality and pioneering innovations in its industry. The secret behind such success often lies in effective supplier relationships. Strong supplier relationships are the backbone of successful procurement, and their impact is profound. According to a Deloitte study, businesses…
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Do You Have the Capability to Build Good Supplier Relationships?

supplier relationship management

The business world is the most complex, interwoven, ever-shifting community on our planet. No man is an island? The saying is truer for an organisation. We are, in essence, only as strong as our supply chains. It follows, therefore, that building strong supplier relationships must be a core tenet of…
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Enhancing Supplier Relationship Management with an AI Co-Pilot

AI in Supplier Relationship Management

If procurement is about buying things (and it is), then it follows that supplier relationship management (SRM) is the lifeblood of this function. The problem is that supply chains have swelled to unwieldy levels and data is flying in at astronomical rates, making SRM more complex and difficult than ever…
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97 Reasons Why Suppliers Put Up Their Prices … and 11 Things to Do About It.

Strategies for Reducing Supplier Costs or Avoiding Price Rises.

Strategies for Reducing Supplier Costs and Avoiding Price Rises If you haven’t already been hit by one of these 97 then chances are it’s right around the corner.  So you need to do something about it.  But what!  Check out our list below and highlight the ones that you think…
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4 Vital Criteria of Supplier Selection

Supplier Selection Consultants - Comprara

Few things have more impact on a business than supplier selection. Who you work with and where you source your materials and resources determine your future success. This isn’t only about providing a product or service that performs as needed, but about what it took to create it. Price is…
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Negotiation Approaches in Procurement – 5 Key Tips

Procurement Negotiation Strategies

It’s one of the oldest art forms in the world, but that doesn’t mean negotiation doesn’t need an update every now and again. A pandemic, supply chain issues and high inflation have combined to transform the negotiation landscape in 2022. Tactics we once relied upon may be more damaging than…
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6 Tips for Supplier Risk and Performance Management

supplier risk and performance management

The common thought is that COVID-19 has exposed weaknesses in our supply chains. The reality, however, is that most organisations have been dealing with significant unforeseen vulnerabilities and disruptions for at least the past decade. The word to focus on in that sentence is ‘unforeseen’. Admittedly, there are some disruptions…
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Want Responsible and Resilient Supply Chains? Wise Negotiation is the Key

Let’s be blunt. Negotiating with large enterprises is not the same as negotiating with small businesses. More specifically, we cannot apply the same risk management standards to a small company that we can to a larger one. It’s a pickle, because we want small businesses to be a part of…
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It’s Time to Think About the Total Cost of Ownership

United symbols of business and environment, achieved though total cost of ownership

‘High quality, affordable products, and services that don’t harm the environment, delivered on demand!’ Sound familiar? That’s the mantra of the modern customer. No longer is it acceptable to sacrifice quality for a cheaper price tag. Nor is it acceptable to cut corners at the expense of the environment and…
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Comprara acknowledges the traditional Aboriginal owners of country, recognises their continuing connection to land, water and community and pays respect to Elders past, present and future.