Fair Play in Procurement: Ensuring Equity in Contract Terms – Part 2

fundamental principles of fairness in procurement,

Welcome to Part 2 of “Fair Play in Procurement: Ensuring Equity in Contract Terms.” In case you missed it, Part 1 focused on the fundamental principles of fairness in procurement, challenges suppliers face due to lack of bargaining power, and strategies for identifying and negotiating fair terms.

This section will provide actionable steps for procurement teams, examine the regulatory backdrop for contract fairness, and conclude with insights into building long-term, sustainable relationships through fair procurement practices.

Negotiation Strategies for Fair Terms

Tips for negotiating in good faith and achieving balanced outcomes.

To negotiate in good faith, procurement managers should clearly understand and articulate their needs and limitations while being open to understanding the supplier’s perspective. This mutual understanding forms the basis of a negotiation where both parties feel heard and respected.

One effective strategy is to approach negotiations as a collaboration rather than a confrontation. Instead of driving a hard bargain at the supplier’s expense, aim for solutions that offer mutual benefits. For example, if the price is a sticking point, explore options like volume discounts, longer-term contracts, or value-added services that could make the deal more palatable.

Active listening is also crucial. Paying attention to the supplier’s concerns and feedback can reveal opportunities for compromise and synergy. This doesn’t mean always giving in to their demands but finding a middle ground where both parties can meet their key objectives.

The benefits of using standard form contracts to promote fairness.

Standard-form contracts can be a powerful tool for promoting fairness in procurement. Developed with balanced terms, these contracts can serve as a starting point for negotiations, ensuring that no party starts at a disadvantage. Standard form contracts help level the playing field, especially for smaller suppliers who may not have the resources to negotiate every term from scratch.

Moreover, these contracts can enhance efficiency and reduce negotiation time, as they cover a range of common issues and scenarios in a fair and balanced manner. Procurement managers can use these as a basis to negotiate specific aspects pertinent to the deal rather than hashing out standard clauses.

However, it’s important to note that while standard-form contracts are beneficial, they should not be inflexible. Procurement managers should still be open to modifications that address the unique aspects of each supplier relationship. This flexibility ensures that the contracts are fair and applicable to the specific context of each transaction.

Incorporating these strategies in negotiations leads to fairer terms and builds a foundation of respect and cooperation, which is invaluable for sustainable procurement practices.

Suppliers! You Can Walk Away (… and still win)

When and how to use the option of walking away from unfair negotiations.

The ability to walk away from a negotiation is an often underutilised yet powerful tool. This option should be considered when negotiations reach an impasse where the terms being offered are significantly unfair and could potentially harm your organisation. The decision to walk away is not just about rejecting unfavourable terms; it’s a strategic move communicating your value on fair and equitable dealings.

The key to effectively walking away lies in its timing and manner. It should be done respectfully and professionally, maintaining the possibility of future negotiations. Before taking this step, ensure you’ve clearly communicated your position and why the proposed terms are unacceptable. This clarity not only upholds professionalism but also leaves the door open for the supplier to reconsider their stance.

Walking away is not the end of the negotiation process but a part of it. It’s a statement that your organisation stands firm on fairness and mutual respect principles. However, it’s essential to have a backup plan. This might involve having alternative suppliers or solutions to mitigate any immediate impact on your operations.

Suppliers often find themselves under pressure to agree to less-than-favourable terms.

However, there are notable instances where suppliers have stood their ground, walked away from unfair deals, and ultimately emerged stronger. These case studies not only highlight the power of asserting fair terms but also serve as an inspiration for suppliers navigating tough negotiations.

Let’s take for example a major tech giant approaching a small software development company for a significant project. The initial contract was heavily skewed in favour of the tech giant, with clauses that severely limited the supplier’s rights to its intellectual property. Despite the allure of working with a high-profile client, the small company decided to walk away from the deal, citing the importance of maintaining control over their work.

Eventually, the tech giant, recognising the unique value offered by the supplier and their growing reputation, returned to the negotiation table with a significantly improved offer, respecting the supplier’s terms and intellectual property rights.

Enabling Supplier Understanding and Consent

The necessity of providing suppliers with contract review opportunities.

In the spirit of fairness and transparency, procurement professionals must provide suppliers with ample opportunities to review contract terms thoroughly. This practice is not just about meeting a procedural requirement; it’s about ensuring that suppliers fully understand and consent to the terms they agree to. By enabling suppliers to review contracts, procurement teams foster an environment of mutual respect and cooperation, which is critical for long-term business relationships.

Providing review opportunities also helps in identifying and addressing any potential misunderstandings or disagreements at an early stage. This proactive approach can save both parties from future disputes or conflicts, which can be costly and damaging to relationships. It also demonstrates to the suppliers that their interests are being considered, which can lead to more open and trusting negotiations.

Techniques for ensuring supplier comprehension of contract implications.

Procurement managers can employ several techniques to ensure suppliers fully comprehend the implications of contract terms. One effective method is to organise face-to-face meetings or virtual discussions to walk through the contract terms together. This direct interaction allows for immediate clarification of doubts and enables a deeper understanding of each party’s expectations and obligations.

Another technique is to provide explanatory notes or guidance documents alongside the contract. These documents can break down complex legal jargon into simpler language, making it easier for suppliers, especially those without extensive legal expertise, to grasp the terms.

Furthermore, allowing suppliers sufficient time to review and consult internally or with legal advisors is crucial. Rushing this process can lead to oversights and misunderstandings. It’s also beneficial to encourage suppliers to ask questions, raise concerns, and respond promptly and clearly.

Lastly, using standardised contracts with clear, simple language can greatly aid in comprehension. Standard forms, which have been vetted for fairness and clarity, can reduce confusion and make it easier for suppliers to understand their rights and obligations.

By prioritising supplier understanding and consent, procurement professionals adhere to ethical business practices and lay the groundwork for more effective and harmonious business relationships. This approach ensures that contracts are legally binding and mutually understood and agreed upon.

Regulatory Backdrop for Fairness in Contracts

Laws regulating unfair contract terms (without providing legal advice).

Awareness of the legal framework governing unfair contract terms is essential in the procurement landscape. Various jurisdictions have established laws to prevent and address contract unfairness, particularly in standard-form agreements.  These laws typically aim to protect smaller businesses and consumers from terms that create significant imbalances in rights and obligations.

The Treasury Laws Amendment (More Competition, Better Prices) Act 2022 (Commonwealth) (TLA), effective November 10, 2023, represents a pivotal shift in the federal consumer legislation, directly impacting procurement activities across various sectors.

The TLA amends the unfair contract terms (UCT) provisions of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Commonwealth) (CCA) and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001 (Commonwealth) (ASIC Act). This legislation primarily targets standard-form contracts, typically non-negotiable and presented on a ‘take it or leave it’ basis. These contracts are standard in procurement, mainly dealing with small businesses and consumers. The central objective of these laws is to protect these parties from contractual terms that create significant imbalances in rights and obligations.

The law aims to protect both consumers and small businesses from unfair terms in these contracts, addressing a gap in the previous legal framework that primarily focused on consumer contracts. Thus, the scope of the law’s application is broadened to include a wider range of business contracts, ensuring more comprehensive protection against unfair practices in the commercial sector.

Key Aspects of the TLA

The TLA introduces several critical amendments to the existing UCT framework:

  • Civil Penalty Regime: One of the most significant changes is the establishment of a civil penalty regime. This regime makes it unlawful for businesses to apply or rely on unfair terms in standard-form contracts. It empowers authorities to enforce penalties against non-compliant businesses, ensuring stricter adherence to fair contracting practices.
  • Expanded Protections: The TLA extends protections to various contracts and business scenarios. Previously, UCT provisions mainly protected consumers and small business contracts beneath a certain value threshold. The TLA raises this threshold, bringing more small business contracts under its purview.
  • Clarification on Standard Form Contracts: The amendment clarifies what constitutes a standard form contract. It provides guidelines for courts to determine whether a contract falls under this category, focusing on the extent of negotiation and the parties’ relative bargaining power.
  • Court Powers and Remedies: The TLA clarifies the powers of courts in determining appropriate remedies for breaches of UCT provisions. This includes specifying what terms may be deemed unfair and void, such as those creating a significant imbalance in the parties’ rights and obligations.
  • Exclusions and Inclusions: The Act outlines specific contractual provisions exempt from the UCT regime, particularly those required or expressly permitted under Commonwealth, state, or territory laws.

Examples of Unfair Terms

Under the TLA reforms, terms that may be considered unfair include:

  • Automatic Renewal Clauses: Terms that bind parties to automatic renewals without an easy cancellation option.
  • Excessive Cancellation Fees: Clauses that allow a business to impose disproportionate fees for contract termination.
  • Broad Discretionary Powers: Terms granting one party excessive discretion to alter contract conditions unilaterally.
  • Limitation of Liability: Clauses excessively limiting a business’s liability for contract breaches or negligence.
  • High Termination Hurdles: Terms making contract termination unduly difficult for one party.
  • Unilateral Service Changes: Clauses allowing a business to unilaterally change the nature of services provided.
  • Excessive Penalties for Breach: Terms imposing disproportionately high penalties compared to the actual damage caused by a breach.
  • Full Indemnity Clauses: Requiring one party to fully indemnify the other, irrespective of fault.
  • Unilateral Termination Rights: Terms giving one party the right to terminate the contract at will without a valid reason or equal right for the other party.

Procurement’s Professional Responsibility

For procurement professionals, staying abreast of these legal changes is imperative. Understanding the nuances of the TLA and its implications on contract drafting and negotiation is essential for compliance and fostering fair business practices. Regular training and updates on legislative changes should be integral to a procurement professional’s role, ensuring their practices align with the evolving legal landscape.

By understanding the legal context of contract fairness, procurement professionals can better advocate for equitable terms and avoid the pitfalls of engaging in or enforcing unfair contract terms. This proactive approach not only minimises legal risks but also contributes to fostering a more ethical and sustainable procurement environment.

Actionable Steps for Procurement Teams

Procurement teams play a pivotal role in ensuring fairness in contract terms. To achieve this, a systematic approach combined with diligent practices is essential. Below is a checklist that procurement teams can use as a guide to ensure that contracts are fair and equitable:

  1. Thorough Review of Contract Terms:
    • Examine each clause for fairness and balance.
    • Look for any terms that might create an imbalance in rights and obligations.
    • Identify clauses that could be considered unfair or excessively one-sided.
  2. Understand Legal Requirements:
    • Stay informed about the latest legal developments, such as the Treasury Laws Amendment (More Competition, Better Prices) Act 2022.
    • Ensure contracts are compliant with relevant legislation, including UCT provisions.
  3. Supplier Engagement and Negotiation:
    • Engage in open and transparent communication with suppliers.
    • Negotiate terms in good faith, aiming for a win-win outcome.
    • Allow room for negotiation, especially in standard-form contracts.
  4. Risk Assessment and Management:
    • Evaluate the risks associated with each contractual term.
    • Consider the potential impact of terms on both parties.
    • Implement strategies to mitigate identified risks.
  5. Supplier Education and Consent:
    • Provide suppliers with sufficient time and resources to review contracts.
    • Offer clarifications and explanations on complex terms.
    • Ensure that suppliers understand and consent to the terms before the agreement.
  6. Use of Standard Form Contracts:
    • Develop and utilise fair standard form contracts as a baseline.
    • Customise contracts where necessary to fit specific transactions.

Regular Contract Audits and Updates:

  • Conduct periodic reviews of existing contracts for fairness and legal compliance.
  • Update contracts as needed to reflect changes in law and market conditions.

Training and Development:

  • Provide ongoing training for procurement staff on fair contract practices.
  • Encourage continuous learning and staying updated with industry best practices.


Fair terms are not just about equitable pricing or balanced contractual obligations; they encompass a holistic understanding of respect, mutual benefit, and long-term partnership.

Fair terms help build trust, a crucial component in any business relationship. Suppliers who are treated relatively feel valued and recognised. This fosters loyalty, leading to a more reliable and committed supply chain. When suppliers are confident that they will be treated justly, they are more likely to invest in quality improvements, innovation, and collaborative problem-solving, ultimately benefiting the buyer.

Moreover, fair procurement practices encourage open communication. Suppliers are more likely to be transparent about their capabilities, limitations, and needs, which allows buyers to make better-informed decisions and plan more effectively. This transparency is invaluable in navigating market fluctuations and supply chain disruptions.


Parliament of Australia. (2023). Treasury Laws Amendment (More Competition, Better Prices) Bill 2022. Retrieved from https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Bills_Legislation/bd/bd2223a/23bd028

Australian Competition & Consumer Commission. (n.d.). Contracts. Retrieved from https://www.accc.gov.au/business/selling-products-and-services/contracts